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Guilded - The new Discord killer

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What is Guilded and why should you care? Guilded is a new and upcoming application & platform that functions similar to Discord but goes a step further. Guilded is built for gamers by gamers and the team at Guilded is doing a fantastic job bringing powerful features to the app on a regular basis. Discord is moving away from gaming & gaming oriented communities, this is where Guilded steps in. Guilded offers a wide range of improvements over Discord. These improvements and features are all FREE and don't require any special premium subscription or for you to be a Guilded Partner to receive. Let's take a look at some of these features:
  • Server Art/Banners - Make your server stand out with it's own custom banner & artwork. This is a popular feature within Discord servers that require the server owner to be a Discord partner. This is 100% free and available to all Guilded users & server owners. You can also add a profile banner to your personal Guilded profile as well.
  • Custom Server URLs - Another perk locked behind Discord partnership is 100% FREE with Guilded. Want to bring more people to your server? don't want to constantly have to generate invite links to it like you do on Discord? Add a custom URL to your server, completely free of charge. (Join our server - https://guilded.gg/revillution )
  • Audio Improvements - Audio is one of the biggest things about Discord, or any application like it, good audio is important when you're trying to communicate with teammates during a match, Discord is notorious for having spotty audio & communications, This is where Guilded shines. Servers can crank the audio bitrate up to 256kbps and enjoy clear, crisp voice for no additional cost, absolutely FREE!
  • Keep a schedule! - Does your Guild or clan find it hard to sync up and game together regularly? Well now you can keep a schedule and let your clan members post when they are available for scrims and it will automatically sync up and notify everyone of the next scheduled scrim that's best for everyone!
  • Community oriented, community driven! Probably the best thing about Guilded is within it's community, those that use it, love it and support other Guilded members, Guilded has built a fantastic tool to bring communities together and keep them together!
  • Built in Media Gallery - Lots of discord servers have a generic pics & vids channel where users can post their pics, Guilded takes it a step further and gives you a customized channel for proper media uploads & embeds! A neater layout for these channels makes it easier to find the media you want, fast!
  • Webhooks - Powerful webhooks allow you to code simple 'bot-like' functionality into your server! Want your entire server to know you tweeted something? There's a webhook to help with that! Want your server to know you just went live on Twitch? Yep, webhooks got you covered there as well!
  • Tournaments! - Hold exciting tournaments within your community along with leaderboards & placing brackets!
  • Docs - Write up useful documents with a powerful & robust Docs tool.
  • Streams - Need to show your members something important? Just feel like chatting and shooting the breeze? Utilize the built in Streams function to hold a livestream directly within Guilded!
  • Future improvements - There are a lot of future improvements coming to the Guilded platform, a lot of frequently asked for features are being worked on right now by the team and things will only get better!
  • Much, Much More!

Partnership & Server Verification
Guilded offers a partnership program for those that love the service and want to support it further & help it's growth! If you got a substantial following and want to see Guilded succeed and would like to be a rep for the service, why not Apply for Partner?

Why not join our server and check Guilded out for yourself? No app download necessary to try it out! Click the image below to visit our server!

Final Thoughts:
Is Guilded worth checking out? If you're a long-time user of Discord, you'll feel right at home with Guilded. They use a similar UI to Discord for that very reason, famiiliarity. They offer a slew of custom features as stated above that Discord does not have, that makes Guilded it's own product, it's own platform. It's stable, the audio sounds great, and it gets updates quite often with more features & stability improvements. The Desktop app works flawlessly from our experience in using it. The mobile app, is still a work in progress, but it's not terrible, at least not on an iPhone 8. Guilded brings competition to Discord, and competition is a good thing. When products & companies compete, the consumer/end-user always wins.

Don't take our word for it. Try Guilded for yourself today! We love it and are in the process of archiving our discord slowly to migrate our users over to our Guilded server! Isn't it time you gave Guilded a try? Click here to sign up to Guilded

Overall Rating: 9/10 - Nearly perfect! the only thing keeping it from a perfect 10 is the lack of integrations with bots & 3rd party services at this present time. It's still in early development and will become perfect in time!
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Interesting stuff!

However, I honestly don't see this killing Discord. The opening couple of sentences say it all: Discord has expanded outside its original niche (i.e. gamers), but this is designed specifically for gamers. Therefore, I imagine this will receive some uptake among gaming communities, but everyone else will just stick with Discord (either because it suits their needs better or because they're just sticking with what they're familiar with).

In any case, good luck with yours!
This is 100% recommended for anyone really. I see uses for any community ranging from Elder scrolls Online, Call of duty and clear on the other side of things like Patreons and only fans. Guilded is so much cleaner and organized and if you have a community of any sort, this is perfect. Main issue I'm noticing, at least with my community is they either:
1. They don't like change
2. Their friends and Big companies are on discord
3. Bot support/integrations
4. They don't want another app
5. They don;t give it enough time, they see "Oh looks like discord, why do i need this"

I want guilded to take off. Discord hasn't really changed in years. Yes they had few updates but nothing really game changer. Calendars, forums, docs, threads within threads, voice channels within voice channels, 1voice can talk to all of the other voices which is good for clans, no media limit from what i can gather so far, tournaments, live streaming coming soon like discord, sub servers within the main server, custom url, banners, emotes, much higher voice bitrate all for free as where discord you need to pay or be a partner.
We are now partnered with Guilded! Even more of a reason to try it out! They're currently partnering gamers, content creators, streamers and whatnot! :)