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Who is hooked on caffeine?

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Jun 25, 2019
Today I got my load of ice coffee and soda, so much that who cares what food I ate! Anyway, it's actually that bad. Well, ice coffee from the major brands does have protein, so it does fill you up some what.
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I wouldn't say that I am hooked on caffeine, I do like to have some caffeine during the day in the form of iced coffee but I don't tend to go overboard on it as I struggle to sleep on a night after too much caffeine.
98% of the time I have my coffee cup with me.
Does that makes me to be hooked on caffeine? 😁
The survey says YES. ;) Well, I don't like caffine that much. In fact, I try to get my fix at one time a day or sometimes more than once.
I love to drink coffee. I need at least a cup or two of coffee on a daily basis. So yes, I am kinda hooked on caffeine.