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How many monitors?

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Active member
Mar 29, 2020
How many monitors do you have hooked up and are using? When I worked I found that I needed 2 monitors but some of the engineers would use 3! My husband is working from home and currently is using 3 monitors to fully do his job (he's IT).
Just the one. I've never had any particular need for multiple monitors.
Personal gaming/streaming PC has 4 monitors. I find it better for my workflow to have OBS up top, game on the main with twitter along with other things I like to keep track of on the others.
I use two monitors at home for my streaming setup. At work I have 3 monitors but I tend to only use two.
Emails on one, other work stuff on the other.
Just the one as I'm restricted to my HP Laptop, this is of course, the built in screen. Multiple-Monitors are available for desktops only, to the best of my knowledge and even if I wanted one, I can't really see why I would need one. There is no specific purpose.
I've got 2 monitors, one Ultrawide (3440x1440), and the other is a 4k. I find that despite using 3 previously, having that much pixel density means I no longer need the 3!
I have a laptop so just the one screen for me. I've never really understood the need for more than one
I have 2 1440p 60hz monitors that I'll be soon replacing with 2 1080p 144hz monitors instead. The 1080p -> 1440p jump just wasnt big enough to notice a massive difference IMO, so I'd rather just have higher refresh instead.

I have always wanted 3 monitors but from a productivity standpoint I definitely don't need it. Always wanted to game with 3 monitors but the SLI tech that was pretty much needed was always crap, and I'm not even sure how you would go about it these days.
productivity - more space to put windows and assets
Exactly so it's only serve usage if you really needs to do that.

With Vivaldi tab management and such I don't think a multi display setup is that useful as it once been. The exception to this rule is say I got a battery of servers going and I need to make sure nobody is "running dry" on CPU, RAM, or what not. Or something insane like that.