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Your Thumbnails

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May 4, 2020
When you create content for your YouTube channel, how long do you typically spend on making the thumbnails for your videos. Do you tend to go for the quick and dirty method or do you try to at least put in as much work as you did for your video?
I tend to be quick and dirty about my thumbnails. I just make sure the title is bright, stands out and is easy to read.
But I need to work on making the rest of the thumbnail stand out as well
I don't really look at it that way. i look at it more of what suits the video and what looks good to me if i spend 5 minutes and looks awesome it will do me
For me it's usually pretty quick and I am usually happy with the result. As long as the text stands out and they can see what the thumbnail is and it looks appealing I am happy :)
I put in a good amount of effort. Though I feel like I have a little bit of a leg up because I use canva and there are some great templates on there that I can just drag and drop my pics and change the text on.