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What Makes a Hardcore Gamer?

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Jun 1, 2019
New Jersey
So I noticed this from another site and became more and more curious as I saw it- but what makes a gamer a 'hardcore gamer' as opposed to a 'casual gamer'? I always see the two terms when looking into new games. But the thing is, when I ask people, I get all sorts of different answers as to what makes someone a 'hardcore gamer'. Sometimes it's the type of games they play that makes someone think they're hardcore, while others think it has to do with just how much the person loves games, no matter the genre.

So, why don't you tell me what your definition is of a Hardcore or Casual gamer? Maybe we can work together to find a common ground for the definition- because so far, it's got way too many to find it myself!
I'd say a more casual gamer is one that maybe only plays one series or just mobile games in general, say someone who only buys and plays Madden every year, would be a casual gamer, a hardcore gamer would be someone who plays a variety of games and owns multiple systems and plays a lot of different games, and quite often. :)
I guess a hardcore gamer is the one who plays constantly and is very devoted to actually few genres and profficient with them. Myself I was like that until marriage. Fml. xD