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Watch vs. Play

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Aug 6, 2019
Do you prefer to play sports or do you prefer to watch them? Which sports do you like to play? Which sports do you like to watch? Why?

Soccer has always been my favorite sport but it's more fun to play it than watch it on tv. There are some sports that I don't like to watch because they seem boring to me. But it's really fun to play it in real life. However, sports like American Football, I prefer to watch those because they can be very physical and I don't want to get hurt.
I hate watching sports, but I love playing them - either live or on a video game. Well, the reason is because my attention span can't handle it for some reason. Well, I enjoyed watching American football as a kid (on TV) - but I just can't pay attention anymore.
Definitely watch, because my favourite sports (e.g. Formula One) aren't really accessible, and even the sports that I *can* play aren't things I'm really built for. I suck at pretty much every sport I try :( .

(I mean, *maybe* I'd have a chance at becoming decent at snooker if I practised it, because that's less physical, but I don't know!)