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Smokey's Baby Girl <3
May 26, 2019
England, UK
Epic Creator Code
What are your thoughts so far on Chapter 2 Season 8 of Fortnite? Are you enjoying the new season or is it taking you a while to get used to the changes they have made for this season? What are your thoughts on the Battle Pass this season?

I myself wouldn't say that I dislike Chapter 2 Season 8 but the changes they have made to the season such as they way they are doing quests and such is taking some getting used to.

The battle pass is a little different but I will admit that I feel the previous battle pass for Chapter 2 Season 7 was a lot better than this one, some of the skins are good but all in all, Season 7 definitely had better content in the battle pass.

Let us know your thoughts on Chapter 2 Season 8!