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Preferred platform?

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May 26, 2019
What's your preferred platform to stream on and why?

For me, I prefer Mixer over the others. I just love the community and support i've gotten from there. I've made so many awesome friends on there and a good chunk are partnered with Mixer now. All of which, whom I mod for. :) It's a fantastic community and I love the overall UI and UX of the site itself. :)

What platform is your platform of choice and why did you choose to go with that platform over the others?
Does YouTube count as a platform?
As of the last few years yeah, youtube does streaming too these days... though it has it's own problems like if you go over 4 hours then your recordings of the stream get trunicated and messed up.
it's easier to just stream to another platform and record at the same time for a highlights reel etc.
I personally prefer YouTube and Facebook. The reason being those two platforms give you some money. And you don't have to sweat a lot of money trying to earn. And in case of other platforms you have to spend a lot of time trying to even get following and also to earn donation out of that. But some people have luck with other platforms I guess.
Youtube FTW for me since it appears to have more exposure than other sites.