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Playstation 5 expectations?

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May 26, 2019
What are you hoping to see for the Playstation 5 when Sony reveals it? Do you think a reveal will happen in a few weeks at E3 2019? What are some of the features you're hoping for?

For me? I'm hoping to see the console be fully backwards compatible with PS4, PS2 and PS1 games. It'd be great to see it also compatible with PS3 games but we'll see how that goes.

I'd also like to see it have a SSD instead of a traditional hard drive for even faster load times. What do you want to see in the PS5?
I really just want compatibility with ps1 and ps2 physical games. Plus a huge library for those harder to find old games. It wouldnt be that hard to port the digital versions of all existing ps1/ps2 games already on the stores right? Then they can start adding more.
Was PS5 actually announced? I'm kinda surprised people werent frustrated that PS keeps coming out newer and newer, slowly killing the previous versions (myself I never bought anything beyond PS1/2). It seems like an endless 5 years rent.
Sony has stated it's currently in development, yes. There hasn't been an 'official' reveal yet unlike Xbox revealing Project Scarlett. It does seem like Sony is putting out new consoles every 5-8 years now though. I'm gonna end up waiting regardless.
It's not that frustrating because a £300 investment over a 5-8 period is not that bad. Plus, we're looking to get an upgrade on these consoles so PS5 is definitely something we want. All I want from it is to have a really good upgrade on the PS4 and for it to be backwards compatible with all previous PS consoles and not just the PS4. I would love to play GTA 4 again and not have to turn my Xbox 360 on to play it.
Honestly I'm actually happy with the PS4 as it is, however if the PS5 does come out, I think it should come with a PSVR like how the XB1 came with a kinnect at launch.
It should have the power for it, and that would push VR gaming that much more.
Fully backwards compatible would be awesome and even though it sounds like they are going SSD I highly doubt whatever they put in will be enough, so I see myself having to buy a 2 TB or larger SSD.

I really hope they take the lights out of the game controller, that kills the battery.
I personally like the lights on the PS4 controller... but then I leave it hooked up to my PC most of the time and I've got it set to glow purple when plugged in lol.
It's a minor thing but I like the light as well. Especially when you can see the reflection sometimes in your TV when the light starts flashing.