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List of Bots for streamers.

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I figured we'd compile a list of bots new streamers (and older streamers) can use if they're looking for a bot......

Hardware based:
Scorpbot - Twitch
Mix it Up Bot - Twitch & Trovo
Phantom Bot - Works with Windows, Linux, MacOS - Twitch bot.
FireBot - Twitch

Cloud based/remotely hosted
Streamlabs Cloudbot - Twitch & Youtube.
Stream Elements Chat Bot - Twitch.
NightBot - Twitch, Youtube. - Popular cloud-based bot.
Botisimo - A popular cloud based bot for Twitch, Trovo & Youtube

Coming soon:
BeepBot - A new up & coming cloud based bot not available to the public yet.

ALL have their strengths and weaknesses, choose one that works best for you and your stream.
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