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JoyFreak here!

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New member
Jun 22, 2019

I am JoyFreak aka Carbon. I found this forum online. I am a webmaster and owner of a gaming forum. I decided to sign up to this community because it looks absolutely beautiful and wanted to support it by doing so! I am also an avid gamer. Great job on the design guys! Hope I get a warm welcome :).

Many thanks!
Hey Joyfreak, Welcome to Revillution. :) Enjoy your stay here with us and if you need anything or have any questions don't hesitate to drop a PM my way. :)
Hihi! I'm pretty sure I've seen you somewhere before... I can't recall why though. Either way, I'm happy to meet you now! ^^
Probably from the endless forums I am a member of haha :p

Thanks for the welcome guys :D Pleasure to be here!