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Introducing RevBux - A new site-based currency!

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May 26, 2019

RevBux are now here on Revillution!

What are RevBux?
RevBux are the new on-site currency that members will gain from performing various tasks, such as posting on the forums, creating threads, and referring new users to the site. RevBux can be exchanged for on-site upgrades instead of using real currency. We will be expanding upon this system in the very near future! We are also going to retroactively pay our partners who have referrals under their belt, a certain amount based on how many referrals they've gotten.

Partners who referred people prior to the install, will receive $200RB per user referred. Going forward, this will probably not be the case (we're still trying to figure out how to adjust these values)

We are still working on setting up the system to our preferred functionality, so please bear with us! Why wait though? Get posting and saving up those RevBux!
Fantastic work! and a great intensive to help keep the forums and threads active! also another great reason to invite your friends! maybe we could get a break down of all the ways to get revbux and their values, so far I see 1 post = 5 bux? I got a standard 1 can't figure out what that was for :p
Fantastic work! and a great intensive to help keep the forums and threads active! also another great reason to invite your friends! maybe we could get a break down of all the ways to get revbux and their values, so far I see 1 post = 5 bux? I got a standard 1 can't figure out what that was for :p
Something like that, yeah. Users who register get 100 Revbux, i'm looking into how much the referer would get, if it's properly set up or not.

So it's still in the testing/set-up phases, things may change down the road. :)

Next step: The RevShop, which will allow you to purchase on-site stuff like feature slots, with RevBux. That's coming, no ETA though. depends on funding.
Still working on setting this all up, but referrals will now grant credits. The amount granted is different depending on the usergroup you reside in.

For Partners, check the partner section. :)