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I got the OLED Switch Yesterday

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New member
Nov 19, 2023
Northeast Ohio
This makes our 3rd one in the home. Both of my kids have had the original Switch since it debuted. But my wife wanted one of her own so I picked up this OLED one last night. We got the all white cause I think it's pretty classy looking....

That's awesome Bob. :). I might pick up a Switch at some point but I think i'm gonna wait for their next iteration which is inevitable at this point. :p
That's awesome Bob. :). I might pick up a Switch at some point but I think i'm gonna wait for their next iteration which is inevitable at this point. :p

I agree. Nintendo is due for a new console of sorts. They usually lag behind Microsoft and Sony by about 3 years, and that's precisely where we are at currently.

I have not been a big Switch player myself. But the wife and kids love it.