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How do you settle arguments?

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May 26, 2019
So how do you settle arguments in your relationship? Since us men never really win anyway, I tend to just let her believe she's won the argument. :p
To be honest, we don't have that many notable arguments- but to be fair, we're in an LDR, and most of our chatter is on plain Discord, no voice or anything. We're both fairly avoidant people when it comes to conflict, but we have had one or two. One particularly notable one was when he tried to leave me solely because he wanted me to find someone better than him. I got really pissed at him and we had a looong talk. We ended up 'compromising' that, since he still loves me and vice versa, we'd continue as we were but I'm not allowed to ignore better options if I find any.

Needless to say, I lied when I said I'd do that. I can't imagine anyone better for me than him anyway. xD
I've found it's pointless to argue unfortunately.
even when trying to use logic to solve a problem I'm usually met with
yeah... so I kinda gave up on arguing and instead try to listen better to what someone actually wants rather than offering permanent solutions to problems in my relationships.
sometimes it's incredibly frustrating but talking things out rather than solving a problem is usually the better outcome.
more often then not what the person wants is for someone to listen to them so they can get something off their chest rather than a fix.

not sure why it is really, you'd think that being offered a logical and easy to understand solution would be a good thing. :rolleyes:
I think many people just want someone to listen, not fix their problems. It means much more sometimes just to be heard.
I'm almost always the cause of our arguments. I just let her cool down. She admits to not being able to stay mad at me for very long. :D
Our arguments start off because my husband doesn't always listen to what I say...and then he does the opposite of what I told him to do or he doesn't know what to do because he wasn't listening. That's frustrating. I have started having him repeat back to me what I have said so I know he's aware and that helps stop arguments from starting in the first place.

To end them, we just know when to stop since there comes a point when everything that needs to be said has been said.
Our arguments start off because my husband doesn't always listen to what I say...and then he does the opposite of what I told him to do or he doesn't know what to do because he wasn't listening. That's frustrating. I have started having him repeat back to me what I have said so I know he's aware and that helps stop arguments from starting in the first place.

To end them, we just know when to stop since there comes a point when everything that needs to be said has been said.
Beware, my mrs pulls the ‘are you even listening’ card, I repeat back practically word for word what she’s told me (actually hearing it then and actually absorbing it, not that she needs to know that…)

and then she calls me a butthead or some other term. 😅
Honestly, I don't technically "argue" with my g/f. It's more she'll be mad about something, yells at me, then calms down. I don't like raising my voice and rarely do. At the most, I'll ask her not to yell at me.
Honestly I repeat what the other person said out loud to see if what they said makes sence, because what sometimes what people said does not make sence, if it does i try to undertand and then give my prespective of the matter at hand
I'm one person that tries to avoid argument with my partner but if we argue I try to make him see reasons and apologize if he was wrong but I was wrong I don't hesitate to apologize.