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Have ever helped a random person?

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Dec 2, 2022
What's your take on just helping a random person whom you meet on the road especially when those people walk up to you and ask for any kind of help?

Do you feel compelled to help them or do you brush them off with the mindset that you've got your own problems to take care of.

When was the last time you helped a random person?
I have had the opportunity of helping someone that I didn't know in the past. It was a lady that I saw along the road when I was returning from work. I gave her some money to eat and I felt pity at that moment then.
I do help and will help random people that comes in touch with me. I consider and believe that helping others when need arises is very necessary for me.

If I can't assist in your expected outcome, I will definitely try my best with warm regards and encouragement instead of acting rude and the I don't care behavior.
I tried to help a few, but they were old people and for some reason they were not polite to me, so I don't do it often