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Favourite Music Genres?

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Well-known member
Jul 6, 2019
Do you have a personal favourite genre to listen to or anything will do for you? I absolutely can’t stand rap, rock and roll and any metal and techno. I enjoy zen and spa melodies a lot for my afternoon/evening meditation.
Do you have a personal favourite genre to listen to or anything will do for you? I absolutely can’t stand rap, rock and roll and any metal and techno. I enjoy zen and spa melodies a lot for my afternoon/evening meditation.
I like a lot of that sort of thing that's often consider New Age music. I have a decent collection of that.

The rest is either anime, game, or cartoon music. XD
I'm into punk rock & alternative myself. I've been listening to it since I was about 9 or 10 years old so over 25 years now. :) It's the type of music i relate to the most.