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Buy a lemon?

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Aug 1, 2019
And by lemon I mean a piece of technology that didn't work out of the box or soon after died from start using it.
Yeah. Our Windows 98 computer lasted for five years... and then the Windows XP replacement lasted for five weeks >_< .

Fortunately, not a lot was lost, and the replacement worked better :) .
Yes. My last MSI Laptop, was a stealth model, an extremely thin laptop, about a week after owning it/using it for light browsing, I was still in the process of setting it up and was having GPU failure. I returned it for a full refund and got an Alienware instead. My alienware has been going strong for over a year now, thankfully. I think i'll stick with them. I've went through THREE MSI laptops in the span of a year 1/2, so I'd say most of MSI's stuff are lemons. I've seen friends with MSI laptops experience similar problems with theirs.
SSD was a piece of trash then Amazon got me a fresh kiddio to take it's place. Going strong even for a old MLC model, you really can't go wrong with MLC based SSDes. (y)
Mostly just consoles. I remember having issues with the PS2 when it first came out. Also bought a used Sega CD, and the battery was dead (luckily the store had another that did work).