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  1. Your dad aint s***karen

    Your dad aint s***karen

    i shotgunned someone
  2. Panam Friendzones V | Cyberpunk 2077

    Panam Friendzones V | Cyberpunk 2077

    A tragic moment during the 24hr stream we did. Started streaming it as soon as it was unlocked at steam.If you want more, check my socials below► Like, share...
  3. Highlight: At first i wasn’t sure I could do it.

    Highlight: At first i wasn’t sure I could do it.

    Gaming Cyberpunk 2077, first charecter.
  4. ElectroBoost

    ElectroBoost Gaming Media

    Hey everyone, I have been streaming for close to 10 years. I just recently got affiliated and I’m ready to take my stream to the next level. I want to become partnered with twitch in 2021 and I am fully dedicated to doing this full time now. You will see me streaming at least 2-3 days a week if...