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  1. zoldos

    my new channel!! Sub please! :)

  2. zoldos

    Pepsi Cola's new drink, "Starry"?

    The soft drink "Starry" has replaced Sierra Mist. What a shame, I loved Sierra Mist since it had real cane sugar! Has anyone tried it?
  3. zoldos

    Blood of Souls

    Check out a forum a bit darker than you might be used to! It is growing fast and features a unique look/feel! https://bloodofsouls.com/
  4. zoldos

    Blood of Souls - Forum of Darkness & Macabre!

    A unique forum both in appearance and function! Discuss things a bit darker than usual, but always interesting! Join a growing membership of eccentrics! 500+ posts, and open one month! Free and no ads! https://bloodofsouls.com
  5. zoldos

    some 3D renders I made for my novel

    I used DAZ 3D Studio. :)
  6. zoldos

    playing Will to Live on-line!

    I'm higher level now and have better gear!
  7. zoldos

    Industries of Titan first look!

  8. zoldos

    playing Mechwarrior On-line :)

  9. zoldos

    Nonsensical Musings - The Mind of the Insane

    I post all sorts of stuff from vlogs, to animals, to remote control trucks and more! Check it out! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiIgr-VGs-Or_H5YwBwNeEg
  10. zoldos

    Share your channel!

    @Smokey I hope this is okay. Youtubers, share your channels! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiIgr-VGs-Or_H5YwBwNeEg