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How do you deal with avoiding burn out?

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May 26, 2019
As a streamer, it's really easy to get burn't out on it and gaming in general, so what are some things do you do to prevent from getting burn't out on streaming or gaming in general?

If i feel like i'm starting to get burned out, I'll take a day off, even if it's unscheduled, but I find having days off anyway helps, which is why I only stream about 3 days a week.
I know I'm not a streamer, but I also know burnout is a danger in any venture that involves a lot of effort and time. I feel it when it comes to writing sometimes, playing certain games, reading, etc. For me, when I feel burnout on its way or visiting, I focus on other things I enjoy, whether it be within or not within the same type of thing I'm working on. I'll watch TV with dad, write something random for fun, or play a different game. I schedule my blog posts in advance by writing them early, which makes it less difficult.

As for streaming... I definitely think a streamer taking days off is a good idea. If you start to feel burnout, it leads to stress, and that'll make life itself much harder. I'd say if you want a schedule, give yourself days off frequently. I have one day off from my blog, but by doing posts early, I get two to three days off sometimes! Maybe you can do something like this?

...I forgot where I was going with this blabber. Sorry. >w<
I only stream once a week to avoid burn out, and when I do, I always pick games that seem interesting or fun rather than what will generate the most views.
I last streamed hacknet, but I usually stream retrogaming stuff like doing a marathon to beat a game or trying to complete certain challenges.
BTW, I love platformers lol.
I find it very difficult to not get burned out and I believe that is because of my life away from stream as well as streaming. Usually I take a few days off, try and do other things I enjoy so that I do not get burned out. Usually though depending on what kind of week I have sometimes I can get burned out sooner rather than later which is a shame.
I tend to take two weeks at a time off during the month. But I also know that, doing this might bite me in the butt as a streamer who's just getting started. I don't care tbh, I just wanna play games & have fun. If I get popular great, if not oh well.