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You stopped believing in Santa?

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Jul 17, 2022
How old were you when you stopped believing in Santa?

Do you still think he's real? :p

Santa Claus GIF by Mexico Indie
I was around 7 when my best friend laughed at me for believing in Santa. I was horrified to think he wasn't real. I was also relieved because it's kind of creepy to think that a man could know if I was good or bad.
Honestly, I don't remember. Surely I don't believe in Santa. Wait, when I think of it now, I never believed. Haha. My parents never said he is real :D
Honestly, I don't remember. Surely I don't believe in Santa. Wait, when I think of it now, I never believed. Haha. My parents never said he is real :D

You didn't get any "Santa" gifts then? Were they all marked from your parents?
I was around 10 - 11 years old when I stopped believing in Santa. My eldest brother was the one that told me as he thought "It's about time she should know" 😂
I've never believed in Santa actually because it was never a thing here at my place. I feel that kids who believe in Santa are lucky to have parents who dress-up like Santa on Christmas and come to leave them a gift each and every year. That is I bet one of the best feelings to have every year and kids really look forward to it. 😊