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What is one thing you always seem to forget when you leave the house?

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Smokey's Baby Girl <3
May 26, 2019
England, UK
Epic Creator Code
As much as I have gotten better at remembering everything I need when I leave the house, there will always be times when I forget something that I needed and I will have to go back for it.

Just the other day I left the house and forgot to pick up the list of things I was going out for. I ended up going back for that as if I hadn't I would have forgotten all the things I needed and had to come back out.

Other things I have left the house and forgotten are my bank card and on a few occasions my phone but I have gotten better at remembering these now.

What is one thing you always seem to forget when you leave the house?
As much as I have gotten better at remembering everything I need when I leave the house, there will always be times when I forget something that I needed and I will have to go back for it.

Just the other day I left the house and forgot to pick up the list of things I was going out for. I ended up going back for that as if I hadn't I would have forgotten all the things I needed and had to come back out.

Other things I have left the house and forgotten are my bank card and on a few occasions my phone but I have gotten better at remembering these now.

What is one thing you always seem to forget when you leave the house?
I can relate to forgetting things when leaving the house, and for me, it's usually my keys or my phone. But one thing that I always seem to forget is my wallet. It can be quite frustrating, especially when I need to make a purchase or pay for something while I'm out.

To try and avoid forgetting my wallet, I've started to develop a routine of checking that I have everything I need before leaving the house. This includes going through a mental checklist of my wallet, keys, phone, and any other important items that I need to bring with me. I've also made a habit of placing my wallet in a specific spot near the door, so I can quickly grab it on my way out.
I do pretty good in not forgetting but the one thing I would say is my water bottle. What I do is have a note clipped to my purse of things to check off before I lock the house door. I also tend to put things by the door so I don't forget them.