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Last movie watched?

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May 26, 2019
What was the last movie you watched? For me, it was Pet Sematary 2019. I don't really get to watch movies too often. I'm not much of a big movie watcher if I'm honest.
Captain Marvel. It really wasn't too bad. It wasn't the best superhero movie, but I think the bad reviews are too harsh.
The Nun in Amazon Prime, i am a slow coach and i watch old movies now rather than the movies which came out recently. I will watch Avengers End Game after September or October :)
The last movie I saw was Ricky Gervais as co-leader in the 2016 film Special Correspondent. Last night, I watched it. I found it a bit difficult to follow, but this is just me. The film involves two radio journalists who have a news story to go to Ecuador, but a lot complicates it.

Ricky Gervais is an excellent comedian and I believe he directs this film. I suggest that you watch it.
The last movie I watched was the new Addams Family, which was actually pretty good and made me laugh. It's a bit of a different take than the original live action versions or even the animated TV series. It was really good though. At least, I think that was the last movie I watched, I watch a lot. If it wasn't that one, then it as Exhibit A, which is a found footage horror film. It's kind of a slow buildup and you don't really know what's happening until closer to the end. Speaking of the end, it's really intense. More so than I thought it was going to be. I actually think what I thought was going to happen would have been less brutal than what actually happened. It wasn't a terrible movie though.
About to start watching Venom on Netflix so that will be the last movie that I have watched (soon)
Last movie I watched has got to have been around Christmas and it was Elf that I remember. As much as I do enjoy watching movies I have to be really interested in a movie and so far I haven't seen a movie that has really interested.