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  1. Juneberry

    Favourite place to relax?

    I don't really leave my house much, so it hasn't effected my safe place much at all. I like spending most of my time either in the living room on the computer or with my dad watching TV. ^^;
  2. Juneberry

    Weekend plans?

    Hoping to go to the store tomorrow to get more ice-pops. Other than that? The usual writing and such. :)
  3. Juneberry

    Summer plans?

    My summers are generally the same as any other season for me. I'm not the outdoorsy type- I prefer to hang out at home, play games, read, etc. That said, I'm hoping that I can travel this summer to visit my aunt for a change of pace. :)
  4. Juneberry

    Your email

    I think it depends a lot on what kind of emails you're dealing with. For my forum, I think using my personal email is fine- it's not like I have a domain of my own anyway. At work, though, everyone has an email account at our domain for our website. We each have an individual one, and there's a...
  5. Juneberry

    Happy birthday Shortie!

    Belated happy birthday! I hope it was a great one!
  6. Juneberry

    Ever been in a relationship?

    No need. I'm still dealing with the loss, but I've started coming to terms with things. Mostly... I think.
  7. Juneberry

    Ever been in a relationship?

    Sadly not. He broke up with me because, and I quote, "You deserve better."
  8. Juneberry

    Ever been in a relationship?

    I've dated before, yep. All my relationships have been long distance, and only one had I ever met my special person. >w<
  9. Juneberry

    iOS vs Android?

    I can only talk about Android because I've never had the option of trying iOS. I tend not to have problems, though, and I like how easy it is to port in apps. iOS, from what I'm aware, is harder to do that with because of their protection.
  10. Juneberry


    I'm pretty into anime and manga. I mostly read, but I often watch anime with my father. In fact, we're watching it right now while I'm here! xD
  11. Juneberry

    Long Running Series

    For me, the answer is probably NCIS. I watched it from the start binge-watching, though. It came out when I was pretty young and wasn't ready for shows with murders and such.
  12. Juneberry

    Weekend plans?

    I know the weekend isn't for a while, but I'm pretty excited for it. I'll be livestreaming on my work's facebook page to talk about how personifying your emotions and writing their stories can be a good writing exercise for your mental health.
  13. Juneberry

    First job?

    Technically, my first job was writing on flyers for my grandma's patient when I was a preteen. I got paid five bucks for the hour.
  14. Juneberry


    I'm 'intolerant' to just about every allergen there is in nature. That just means I only have a reaction when the pollen count and whatnot is really high. Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure it has been recently. -.-
  15. Juneberry

    Activities after Covid-19

    I have plans to visit my aunt in Florida once things settle down. It'll be nice to have a little vacation for a couple weeks.
  16. Juneberry

    Steam Games

    I've had a few I bought on Steam that don't work. Some have good tech support in the forums, but others just...don't talk to you at all... -.-
  17. Juneberry

    Favorite flavor of doritos?

    I'm a cool ranch lover myself.
  18. Juneberry

    Your current Mood?

    Been feeling depressed on and off today. Right now is a mellow time though.
  19. Juneberry

    Weekend plans?

    I'm trying to make some better habits this month, and one of them is cleaning my room a tiny bit each day. So far I haven't done it yet, but I'll be doing little bits each day if I get my butt in line. I'll also be working on my potential stream schedule, getting some streaming done if I can...
  20. Juneberry

    Getting an upload schedule sorted.....

    I made my schedule based on days I liked, because I lack a consistent 'schedule' in my regular life. I chose Sundays because I consider that to be the end of my work week, and Wednesday because it's more or less the middle of the week to most people. I don't always succeed, however, to get done...